We create products that inspire.

Engage our following to share ideas, merge cultures, and elevate the lives of others.

We rise by lifting others.

We developed this enterprise as a force to do good, discover truth, and challenge inequity where and when possible; and it’s always possible. Compassion is the highest form of intelligence and ultimately, helps elevate the lives of those who need it most. Question everything, value everyone.

Be a traveler, not a tourist.

We love the waves, the mountains and the golden valleys in between and when it’s time to get after it, we need the provisions to take us there. Our gear is designed for comfort and adventure that enables the wondrous places we must go. We haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on our list.

Mo’orea to life than meets the eye.

Set a course for sunset with no fixed plans or intent on arriving. Venture west to the ocean’s edge, and if you dare, go just a bit further, to the wild and unknown. The question isn’t who is going to let you, it’s who is going to stop you, and all it takes is everything you’ve got!

Committed to genuine transparency.

We use only natural materials that won’t harm people, animals or the environment.